The Real Reason You Cannot Overcome Obesity

Suffering from Obesity?

Obesity is a problem for many in today’s society. We have seen an infinite number of advertisements for products that claim to burn fat in two weeks. Is this truly even possible?

Lets’ get technical

To lose 1 kilo of fat you need to burn 9000 calories because 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories. In order to burn 5 kilos of fat per week with the help of any medicine, you need to burn 45000 calories within that week. However, on average we can only burn about 2200 calories a day. If we work a little harder we can perhaps burn an extra 500 calories.

Lets’ say we burn an extra 1000 calories a day. It will still take about nine days to lose an extra kilo. This means it takes 45 days to lose five kilos. The mind-blowing point is that there are drugs on the market that claim to burn five pounds (5 kg) in ONE WEEK. Without the need to mention it, you should already be asking yourself; “What’s the catch?” In a moment, let us focus a little on the dangerous consequences of taking these “super pills”.

Does sleep help with Fat-burning?

Ever considered how much toxin is in the food we eat? The toxins in our diet need to be excreted and removed by our all-mighty detox organ – The liver. To get rid of these toxins we need to sleep soundly from 10 pm to 3 am. However, most of us have picked up the habit of going to sleep at 4 am or 5 am. So, the liver has to store these toxins in our fat layer in hopes that you will allow it to do its detoxification tomorrow night. These stored toxins do not just stay boxed up. They dissolve into the fat. So now the entire fat layer becomes a storehouse for toxins.

Let’s say we consume a drug that burns five kilos of fat a week. All those toxins that were stored within the fat get released and absorbed into the liver rapidly in a very short time. This causes the liver to face a substantial amount of damage. The body, however, will not go down without a fight. To prevent the damage, fat builds up in the affected areas. You develop fatty liver, then cirrhosis, non-alcoholic cirrhosis, and a whole list of resulting conditions. Did you magically develop these conditions? The answer is No. You are responsible.

Causes of obesity

  • Management Diabetes
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Low nutrition diet
  • Metabolic function imbalance
  • Abnormal increase in hunger
  • Genetic mutations
  • Sleep deprivation

The above causes are currently the most common reasons for obesity. One of the main reasons that hold an umbrella over most of these causes is our lack of knowledge on proper nutrition.

Why do we have so many extra calories?

Let’s do a little calculation to see how we truly accumulate calories.

There are three parts to our diets. They are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. If alcohol is added to this, there are 4 parts. Below is the number of calories we get from each of these. Ultimately our goal is to figure out how many calories we accumulate per day.

  • Protein – 4 Calories per gram
  • Carbohydrates – 4 Calories per gram
  • Alcohol – 7 Calories per gram
  • Fat – 9 Calories per gram

Suppose we consume the following in a day:

  • 500 grams of carbohydrates
  • 50 grams of fat
  • 100 grams of protein
  • 100 grams of alcohol

Now if we add up the above number of calories, our body takes in about 3550 calories per day. Given that the average number of calories we burn per day is around 2200, we have accumulated 1350 extra calories.

What happens to these extra calories?

They are stored as fat so that they can be used later. Since 1 gram of fat is made of 9 calories, 1350/9 = 150 grams of fat is added to the body. If you continue this for about six days you will gain 1 kilo. As you can see, it is way too easy to put on weight because of how careless we are with the types of food we consume. This does not mean we need to eat less. In fact, what we need to be doing is to consume the right foods that contain sufficient nutrition instead of piling on toxic and empty calories simply to fill the hunger.

What is hunger?

We often refer to hunger as the pain we feel in our stomach when we have not eaten in a while. Pain is in fact the language used by our brains to alert us about issues in the body.

Take for instance headache. Why do you get headaches when there are no pain-sensing neurons within the brain?. The pain-sensing neurons are in the arterial walls outside the brain. As the pressure inside these arteries increases, those neurons are stimulated. So, we feel pain. All we have to do is to apply the treatment needed to reduce the pressure inside those arteries. (Read the article on high blood pressure to understand this as well).

Similarly, the ‘burning sensation we feel in hunger is given to us by the brain itself. When our body needs nutrition, we must provide it externally. If what we need is energy, we have the ability to convert fat into glucose.

However, the necessary nutrients must be available in order for the body to do this. Without them our metabolism would not be possible as the production of hormones will be affected Therefore, nutrition must be maintained.

What are we doing wrong?

To help you understand the issue, here is an example. Think of how many slices of bread you can gobble up during breakfast versus how many spoons of dark red rice you can take?

You may notice that it is easier to keep eating bread whereas, with red rice, you feel ‘full’ or ‘heavy’ in the stomach pretty quickly. This is because of the difference in nutritional value between the two types of foods.

Once the brain receives the desired nutrition, the stomach pain stops. So, we have to stop eating. However, when we put something like bread in our stomach, our brain hopes that something will get nourished with it. So naturally, we maintain a little more appetite with bread. Still, it comes to a point where the capacity of the stomach is full of bread, but the nutrition your brain demands is still missing.

In other words, your brain created the hunger/space in your stomach to ask for nutrition, but you filled it up with empty calories. Since the stomach is filled, you seize to feel the hunger and think that you are now full and satisfied. Therefore, despite having a full stomach, you go on, lacking nutrition, and are unable to metabolize and break down the fat.

Which nutrients are essential?

There are 90 nutrients that we need to take daily because we cannot produce them in our bodies.

The 90 nutrients can be read about here. Although 90 sounds like a lot to provide externally, there is a solution as Dr. Joel Wallach has created an easy to take all-in-one type NATURAL nutrition package. You can read up on this in the previous article.

The key takeaway here is that you do not need to take separate medications to combat obesity. Obesity is naturally occurring as well as naturally fightable.

Getting proper nutrition through your diet does not have to be complicated. This method also has the benefit of brightening your skin, improving digestion, and boosting the immune system. You can begin by identifying your deficiencies via a bio-resonance test and work on fulfilling the needs of your body.

We have introduced a 90-day program to control obesity by conducting bio-resonance tests in this manner. You too can find out about this. Contact us for more information.

Share these articles with others and help them understand this critically misunderstood issue. You may never know, whoever sent you this might have just saved your life.

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