The Story of Kidney Stones

The amount of pain caused by kidney stones is enormous. If you have experienced this pain, I think you can understand to some extent the pain your mother experienced when she gave birth to you.

The Common Misconception

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to kidney stones. You may find that it is not advisable to add calcium to your diet if you have calcium stones. If the kidneys of a person with kidney stones are examined, it may appear that the calcium in those kidneys is high. We all know that the doctor will advise him to stop consuming calcium. This, however, is not the cause.

We also believe that the cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water. But we have also seen that people who drink lots of water still get this disease. Did you know that this is due to a deficiency of ions in our body? In order for muscle contraction to occur, we need calcium. Muscle relaxation requires magnesium. In this way, calcium and magnesium should always be present in our blood. If there is a decrease in this calcium, it causes the stimulation of the 4 parathyroid glands located at the four corners of the inner part of the thyroid gland in our neck area. Thus, these glands secrete a hormone called parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone). That hormone extracts calcium ions from our bones. This is because of the lack of calcium in the food we eat. Thus, our body follows a method of extracting calcium from the bones as a temporary solution. Therefore, making it is possible to activate the body parts such as the heart, lungs, and arteries which are under constant contraction and relaxation. If not, these organs will be weakened.

Why do kidney stones Form?

As the above-mentioned continues, the parathyroid gland loses control due to overuse. It is a condition that can occur in any gland in our body. Excess calcium ions are released into the bloodstream. Thus, the kidneys have to filter out more calcium. This is when crystals like calcium oxalate and calcium carbonate form in our kidneys. As this happens, large stones form in the kidneys and sometimes small stones travel down the urinary tract. The scratches in the urethra caused by these stones are what lead to the great pain we feel.

Now, it is crucial that we understand that the formation of these crystals was due to an initial lack of calcium and not a calcium overload. As clinical tests show high levels of blood calcium, we are quick to assume that the most “obvious” next step is to avoid taking any more calcium. However, if you understand the true cause of this blood calcium residue, you should see the real cause of the problem is indeed a calcium deficiency.

How to recover from this?

To get rid of this condition, we need to add calcium-rich foods to our diet, which can stop the hyperthyroidism of the parathyroid gland. After a while, the calcium level returns to normal. However, people with urinary stones are advised to stop consuming calcium. Thus, the body continues to draw calcium from the bones and teeth to maintain the needs of the body. This can lead to osteoporosis and tooth decay. You end up suffering from several diseases when all you have to do is ingest food with calcium.

Many people are also in the habit of taking calcium supplements. If the supplement you are taking contains calcium carbonate, it is a synthetic supplement. You need to take natural calcium supplements. Stem cells should also be properly maintained. I will name two types of supplements that are suitable for this. Vitae Gene PPARs and Beyond Osteo FX are two supplements. These supplements are 100% natural and will stop your calcium deficiency. What happens if you take artificial calcium? That too is a very important point. About 30% of calcium carbonate is calcium. The rest is carbonate. About 15% of this 30% is absorbed by our intestines.

Now let’s do the math.
The amount of calcium required per day is 1200mg.
One calcium tablet weighs 500mg.
The amount of calcium in it (30%) is less than 150mg.
Absorption rate (15%), hence approximately 22.5mg absorbed.
These calculations suggest that the number of calcium tablets you should take per day is 53 in order to fulfill your body’s requirements. Hence, by now you may have realized that you cannot get rid of this condition by taking artificial calcium pills.

How to get rid of existing Kidney Stones?

While taking calcium, you should also work to remove existing stones. First, it is important to find out if what I said is indeed true in your condition. The most successful and simplest way to do this is to study the condition of the parathyroid gland, the hormone calcitonin, and the condition of the bones using bio-resonance technology. This can help identify the weak factors and provide the necessary nutrition and medical treatment to overcome these weaknesses.

If you understand the above mechanism of stone formation, you can imagine whether the stones in the kidneys are really due to a deficiency of calcium in the blood or an increase in calcium. Research shows that people with kidney stones are more likely to have high levels of calcium in their urine. But what you may not know is that calcium comes from bones, not food. As a result, you may have stopped eating calcium-rich foods. But our opinion is that you should take a calcium diet. Those who follow holistic medicine may know that.

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